Monday, 1 October 2012

(look) back to school.

The freedom of freshers week is over (and I'll be making a post about that later!), and today was, for me at least, the first day back in lectures. I always find myself wanting to dress up for lectures - I don't really know anyone, and I figure if people are going to know of me as anything I'd rather it be 'that girl who is always well dressed' than 'that girl who doesn't know anyone'!

someone you don't want to be (on lookbook)

today I just went for a very alliterative casual, comfy and cosy outfit - a big slouchy cardigan and scarf, some black tights, and a nice skirt and top combo. I actually picked up this top in 2006, when I was 14 and tiny enough for it to work as a dress! It's been hiding in the attic for a few years, and I stumbled across it a few weeks ago and thought 'no, there is definitely something I can do with this!'

the cardigan is a large men's cardigan that makes me feel safe and snuggly, and I picked it up in the best organised charity shop I've ever seen - Cancer Research UK's Monmouth branch - for £4.50! I will admit that I told my mum I stole it from my boyfriend when she questioned me about it, though! The shoes are the warmest, most gorgeous wedges I've ever seen, and they were less than £30 from new look; I think I've worn them every night I've been out since I bought them! I can't normally walk in heels, but wedges are pretty easy to get the hang of, and I'm a bit of an addict.

I also took some photos of my gorgeous friend Cat, which you can check out on her blog! Here's a teaser of those:

that's all I've got for you today, lovelies! Are any of you going back to school this week? What sort of styles are you wearing for lectures?

ps - I'm looking for more blogs to follow, so please feel free to link to your blogs in the comments!

- Dani x


  1. Great look hon! I just hyped on lb.

    <3 Melissa

  2. Great pictures and outfits, I love Cardiff! X
